BOE X 3V3 COED Side Event


East Coast Beer Pong
East Coast Beer Pong


Showboat Hotel Atlantic City
801 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
(609) 487-4600
Showboat Hotel Atlantic City


10/18/2019 7:00:00 PM
10/19/2019 2:00:00 AM




Team Format


Payment Methods


Event Details


When: Friday, October 18th, 2019
: 6:00PM
Start Time: 7:00PM
Where: The Showboat, Atlantic City
Prize Pool: TBD based on number of teams

Teams of 3 players
Random Seeding
BPong Equipment
Double Elimination Bracket

This tournament has the following restriction:

1. All teams must have at least one female.

2. Only 1 restricted player per team. Teams are restricted to having only one male who has participated on the Final Table of a $5k+ (2v2) event in the past.

Rules for 3v3 game play are as follows:
Flip for balls or side. Choice is either first 1 ball or the next 3.
15 cups per side.
Re-Racks at 10, 6, 3, 1
Each team shoots 3 balls per turn 
If all 3 shots are made, team receives 1 rollback shot
Rebuttal and Game ending situations will be determined by the amount of shots taken to make the last cup.
Overtime will be 3 cups.
Girls must take all rollback shots

Beer: Beer specials during the tournament

$50/person ($150/team)

All payments will be in CASH at the event.  Online registration is required to save your spot.


Contact: The coordinators for this tournament are Garrett and Mike.
Please email them with any questions or comments.

Registered Teams

Tripod 2.0
           GSP (NJ)
           Mark C. (NJ)
           Ashley C. (NJ)
Once You Go Black
           Tim Williams (NJ)
           Cristal W. (NJ)
           Jaron J. (NJ)
BrettLinEd Catastrophe
           Brett H. (NJ)
           Lindsey N. (NJ)
           Edwin T. (NJ)
Team Blackout
           Mike W. (MA)
           Corey S. (CA)
           Ariel A. (AZ)
50 Shades of Awesome
           David F. ()
           Christian S. ()
           Alexis S. (AZ)
Defending Champions
           Tania H. (PA)
           Connor M. (NJ)
           John D. (NJ)
No Goofy's
           Ralph M. (NY)
           Hoss B. (AZ)
           Sarah L. (NY)
A MAMA and her 2 boys
           Vanessa R. (VA)
           Andrew T. (NJ)
           Matt M. (OH)
Mass and titties
           Stephen P. (MA)
           Derek A. (MA)
           Jennifer S. (RI) Approved
           Nikki Morse (MA)
           Paul D. (MO)
           Cap J. (IL)
Undeniable Talent
           Cody A. (LA)
           Justin S. (NV)
           Candi A. (AK)
Call Her Daddy
           Jessica B. (MA)
           Brian G. (MA)
           Brandon G. (MA)
           Kyle W. (NJ)
           Adrian D. (TX)
           Joelle V. (NJ)
Pass Us The Rock
           Sean D. (NY)
           Mike M. (NY)
           Jenna M. (NJ)
           Mike C. (MA)
           Austin P. (MA)
           Rachel I. (MA)
3 Hours Too Late
           Jordon L. (LA)
           Alexandria M. (TX)
           Ryan S. (CA)
For threeeeee
           Doug S. (MA)
           Brian D. (MA)
           Laura C. (MA)
Eiffel Tower
           Jeremy 'Joker' Hansen (VA)
           Josh S. (MO)
           Araby V. (NJ)
Danica >
           Danica K. (NJ)
           Brandon C. (NJ)
           Donnie J. (MI)
D3: The Mighty Ducks
           Johnny M. (NJ)
           Sabrina M. (NJ)
           Vincent E. (NJ)
The Misfits
           Melinda M. (NY)
           Russell T. (WI)
           Adam G. (MI)
Trup and the Costas
           Casey C. (CA)
           Nick T. (MI)
           Jennifer G. (CA)
We All Have A Cups
           Rich P. (MA)
           Paul T. (MA)
           Sara J. (PA)
Mile High
           Thomas R. (VA)
           Taylor M. (AZ)
           Michael W. (WA)
Where’s mother Theresa
           Brittney S. (PA)
           Harshal S. (NJ)
           Raymond H. (NJ)
Left For Dead
           Matt K. (NJ)
           Alex L. (NJ)
           Taylor W. (NJ)
           Fax T. (MO)
           Abby C. (MI)
           Steve H. (MO)
Coke for Breakfast
           Rob W. (MA)
           Eddie L. (MA)
           Tiffani S. (NJ)
Party Train
           Shane S. (MA)
           Devin D. (NJ)
           Justin R. (NJ)
2 dudes one stud
           Joshua R. (MA)
           Mark P. (NC)
           Lisa R. (AK)
Having an affair kind of nervous
           Stephen M. (NY)
           Mike P. (NJ)
           Baylee M. (NJ)
Best There Is/Was/Will Be
           Eric H. (NY)
           Amy K. (PA)
           John A. (NJ)
No law when drinking claws
           Laura M. (MA)
           Nick H. (MA)
           Kevin M. (MA)
Linda's Losers
           Mindy C. (MA)
           Mike C. (MA)
           Brendan O. (MA)
Silent Assassins
           Lance R. (NJ)
           MJ L. (IN)
           Samantha L. (NJ)
Sonic Boom
           Brooke R. (WA)
           Adriel A. (WA)
           Brandon S. (WA)
Hey, I Just Met You.
           Ashley S. (WA)
           Corey E. (NV)
           Byron F. (CA)
Triple Threat
           TJ R. (MD)
           Tyler S. (MI)
           Michelle J. (MD)
Scared Shotless
           Elizabeth D. (NJ)
           Nick P. (NJ)
           Tyler O. (LA)
Hopefully better than just good enough 🤷🏻‍♂️
           Chris K. (FL)
           Brandon M. (LA)
           Janel N. (PA)
Uh-Oh Oreo
           Jasmine R. (VA)
           Kevin B. (VA)
           Thomas H. (WA)
           Priscilla K. (VA)
           David D. (CA)
           Kenny J. (NV)
Buzz’n Manic’s
           Nick B. (PA)
           Amanda S. (PA)
           Matthew A. (PA)
2 Jerks And A Squirt
           Jason M. (NJ)
           Ricky G. (NJ)
           Nicole R. (NJ)
Do It For The P
           Eric N. (PA)
           Megan S. (PA)
           Michael K. (PA)
Farm to Fork
           Patrick W. (CA)
           Nolan J. (CA)
           Malerie M. (AZ)
Cmass 4 Lyfe
           Jess P. (MA)
           Edward B. (CT)
           Rigoberto L. (RI)
Dont sleep
           Alexa D. (NJ)
           Casey M. (NJ)
           Kyle M. (NJ)
Dude, where's my ball ?
           Bryan L. (NY)
           Andre P. (NY)
           Samantha R. (NY)
She said anything goes
           Nick S. (MO)
           Travis T. (IL)
           Samantha F. (PA)
What Would Pao Do
           Jennifer V. (NJ)
           Lou M. (NJ)
           Michael W. (NJ)
Homeless, Hungry & Jacqui
           Dane S. (PA)
           Brandon J. (MI)
           Jacqui M. (PA)
Sink them and drink them
           Rob S. (MA)
           Samantha S. (MA)
           Steven Y. (MA)
           Ross H. (IL)
           Zack M. (MO)
           Breena H. (IL)
It's Not Gay, If It's In A 3 Way
           Cody J. (CA)
           Robbie L. (CA)
           Christen J. (CA)
Two Devils & An Angel
           Michael P. (NY)
           Angel P. (PA)
           Peyton S. (NY)
My drinking team has a Beer Pong problem
           Momo M. (VA)
           Armando R. (TX)
           Elizabeth M. (NC)
Ski Tripping
           Austin R. (NJ)
           Brittney N. (NJ)
           Brian M. (NJ)
DJ Nephew Cokes
           Dan R. (NJ)
           Lucas H. (NJ)
           Kelsey O. (NJ)
Beauty & the Beast Mode
           Ronald S. (MD)
           John G. (VA)
           Sara M. (VA)
           Eric E. (MA)
           Ben J. (VA)
           Heather M. (NJ)
Leaning Tower of Pizza
           Rachel G. (NJ)
           Rich D. (NJ)
           Tyler G. (NJ)
           Bobbi H. (WA)
           Evan H. (WA)
           Jeremy H. (WA)
The Naked Mile
           David S. (NJ)
           Tyler D. (NJ)
           Brianna H. (NJ)
We are playing ookie cookie after this game
           Edgardo 'Eddie' Ortiz (CA)
           Curtis A. (NV)
           Krysta S. (CA)
Purple Lamborghini
           Kevin K. (PA)
           Heather G. (NJ)
           Dave D. (NJ)
           Sofia C. (AZ)
           Sebastian F. ()
           Nico B. ()
Under Pressure
           Demetrius W. (VA)
           Melissa S. (VA)
           Myting O. (VA)
Tequila Mockingbird
           Carlos A. (IN)
           Anthony M. (MI)
           Nicole W. (NJ)